
A Not So Rad Radiator Cover. (Q&A)

Radiator Q&A Blog

Q: Dear Michele (my decorating guru),
My wife and I recently bought our first house. Of course, we were so excited about buying our first house we didn’t put much thought into decorating it. One of our main issues is that our radiators are out in the open. Despite the fact that these are awesome, in terms of heat, they’re hideous in terms of style! What are our options for hiding or “decorating” these, other than just covers?


Some things should be kept in closets or wall (aka: Ann and Kelly)

A: Dear Some things should be,

When it comes to radiators and their covers, it’s a pretty simple “love/hate” relationship. You’re right, radiators are amazing when it comes to giving off great heat, but in every apartment/home that has them, radiators are ALWAYS in the most inconvenient of places. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do (it’s the whole “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality) Embrace them! Allow them to be apart of your home instead of making them feel like unwelcome house guests. Yes, they’re bulky and awkward, but in the words of Tim Gunn: make it work.

If it’s a matter of disliking the color, there are now waterborne acrylic paints (no more toxic fumes!) you can use to transform your radiator cover from plain ole’ white to fun and colorful. Don’t forget to prime the cover beforehand to make sure the paint adheres! (visit for more product information & step-by-step instructions)

If color isn’t the issue and it’s a matter of space, take advantage of the wall space above the radiator cover. You can find inexpensive and simple wall shelving (try WalMart, Target, or Big Lots) to place them above and use it for extra storage for your laundry/kitchen needs!

Your main goal is to make it apart of your home decor environment so you’re not uncomfortable and unhappy in your space. The more you welcome items around your home that can’t be altered right away, the easier it is to live with it.



2 thoughts on “A Not So Rad Radiator Cover. (Q&A)

  1. Ann Liberona says:

    Thank you!!!! A shelving unit is the perfect solution and something I hadn’t thought of before. This is why you’re my design guru!!

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