Categorized, On Your Own (DIY).

Sharpie® Marker Style.


Oh, the things you can do with a Sharpie®…

To all of my fellow Pinners (and for the ones who haven’t jumped on the Pinterest train yet) you have more than likely seen the “pin” that features a sweet, little white mug with some fancy typography (thanks to a Sharpie®) on it. Out of all the DIY Pins out there, this one always intrigued me. Not only because it’s “cute”, but it makes such a great giftie (“Giftie” is my way of saying gift–so is “pressie” for present–you’ll notice my lingo as we continue this blog relationship) It’s perfect for any holiday or occasion because you decide what you want to say/design. It’s great to give to someone who’s about to embark on going away to college, for a first apartment/home, a tea lover, a coffee lover, a literary obsessed book appreciator, a teacher, or something nice just for you.

The reason I chose this DIY project, for my first DIY post, was to start off simple and to also show that it can be done. It really is simple, fun and creative and maybe since it’s coming from me and not some crazily crafty-“it comes so naturally to me” individual, you wouldn’t feel discouraged to try a little something with your own creativity and know you did something on your own.

The directions are pretty simple:

1. A white mug, dish or bowl (I purchased a bowl because the dollar store was out of mugs) *Don’t spend a lot of money on this kitchenware either, it’s a DIY project, not an item from the Saks Fifth Avenue gift registry department* OH, AND NOT PLASTIC…

2. A black Sharpie®–I used a Fine Point, but whatever you prefer.

3. Your creative mind (either a design or a quote)– I drew a skeleton key and few randomly placed hearts because I wasn’t sure about what I exactly wanted

4. I know this sounds sarcastic, but an oven (hence why I said “…AND NOT PLASTIC”), you’re baking your little kitchenware creation at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

And there you have it! Stay tuned for more Sharpie® swag kitchenware in posts to come! I want to perfect it and show you all how many sweet options you have.



