Favorite Things.

{Green Inspired: Mini Notebooks}

Petite Notebooks Photo

Who: Green Inspired

What: 3-pack mini notebooks

Where: Exclusively at Target

Price: $3.99

I’m kicking off my “Favorite Things” with something NOT for your home, but for yourself.

I adore this 3-pack of Green Inspired 4X6 petite notebooks, from Target. I need a notebook on me at all times (especially for blog ideas & thoughts) but I really don’t have the room to fit a standard size notebook in my bag (I have so much stuff in my bag already…) So, for almost $4 you can get 3 sweetly designed, lined note books donning quotes from William Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, and others.

Green Inspired products are eco-friendly: using minimal packaging, soy based inks, chlorine-free processing, and FSC-certified forest products. So not only are you carrying a cute notebook on your person, you’re helping the environment one page at a time. Green Inspired also makes greeting cards and little gifty extras at Target only, so visit Target.com or your local Target store and stock up on these trendy, retro stationary supplies!

