Categorized, On Your Own (DIY).

Sharpie® Marker Style.


Oh, the things you can do with a Sharpie®…

To all of my fellow Pinners (and for the ones who haven’t jumped on the Pinterest train yet) you have more than likely seen the “pin” that features a sweet, little white mug with some fancy typography (thanks to a Sharpie®) on it. Out of all the DIY Pins out there, this one always intrigued me. Not only because it’s “cute”, but it makes such a great giftie (“Giftie” is my way of saying gift–so is “pressie” for present–you’ll notice my lingo as we continue this blog relationship) It’s perfect for any holiday or occasion because you decide what you want to say/design. It’s great to give to someone who’s about to embark on going away to college, for a first apartment/home, a tea lover, a coffee lover, a literary obsessed book appreciator, a teacher, or something nice just for you.

The reason I chose this DIY project, for my first DIY post, was to start off simple and to also show that it can be done. It really is simple, fun and creative and maybe since it’s coming from me and not some crazily crafty-“it comes so naturally to me” individual, you wouldn’t feel discouraged to try a little something with your own creativity and know you did something on your own.

The directions are pretty simple:

1. A white mug, dish or bowl (I purchased a bowl because the dollar store was out of mugs) *Don’t spend a lot of money on this kitchenware either, it’s a DIY project, not an item from the Saks Fifth Avenue gift registry department* OH, AND NOT PLASTIC…

2. A black Sharpie®–I used a Fine Point, but whatever you prefer.

3. Your creative mind (either a design or a quote)– I drew a skeleton key and few randomly placed hearts because I wasn’t sure about what I exactly wanted

4. I know this sounds sarcastic, but an oven (hence why I said “…AND NOT PLASTIC”), you’re baking your little kitchenware creation at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

And there you have it! Stay tuned for more Sharpie® swag kitchenware in posts to come! I want to perfect it and show you all how many sweet options you have.





A Not So Rad Radiator Cover. (Q&A)

Radiator Q&A Blog

Q: Dear Michele (my decorating guru),
My wife and I recently bought our first house. Of course, we were so excited about buying our first house we didn’t put much thought into decorating it. One of our main issues is that our radiators are out in the open. Despite the fact that these are awesome, in terms of heat, they’re hideous in terms of style! What are our options for hiding or “decorating” these, other than just covers?


Some things should be kept in closets or wall (aka: Ann and Kelly)

A: Dear Some things should be,

When it comes to radiators and their covers, it’s a pretty simple “love/hate” relationship. You’re right, radiators are amazing when it comes to giving off great heat, but in every apartment/home that has them, radiators are ALWAYS in the most inconvenient of places. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do (it’s the whole “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality) Embrace them! Allow them to be apart of your home instead of making them feel like unwelcome house guests. Yes, they’re bulky and awkward, but in the words of Tim Gunn: make it work.

If it’s a matter of disliking the color, there are now waterborne acrylic paints (no more toxic fumes!) you can use to transform your radiator cover from plain ole’ white to fun and colorful. Don’t forget to prime the cover beforehand to make sure the paint adheres! (visit for more product information & step-by-step instructions)

If color isn’t the issue and it’s a matter of space, take advantage of the wall space above the radiator cover. You can find inexpensive and simple wall shelving (try WalMart, Target, or Big Lots) to place them above and use it for extra storage for your laundry/kitchen needs!

Your main goal is to make it apart of your home decor environment so you’re not uncomfortable and unhappy in your space. The more you welcome items around your home that can’t be altered right away, the easier it is to live with it.


Favorite Things.

{Green Inspired: Mini Notebooks}

Petite Notebooks Photo

Who: Green Inspired

What: 3-pack mini notebooks

Where: Exclusively at Target

Price: $3.99

I’m kicking off my “Favorite Things” with something NOT for your home, but for yourself.

I adore this 3-pack of Green Inspired 4X6 petite notebooks, from Target. I need a notebook on me at all times (especially for blog ideas & thoughts) but I really don’t have the room to fit a standard size notebook in my bag (I have so much stuff in my bag already…) So, for almost $4 you can get 3 sweetly designed, lined note books donning quotes from William Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, and others.

Green Inspired products are eco-friendly: using minimal packaging, soy based inks, chlorine-free processing, and FSC-certified forest products. So not only are you carrying a cute notebook on your person, you’re helping the environment one page at a time. Green Inspired also makes greeting cards and little gifty extras at Target only, so visit or your local Target store and stock up on these trendy, retro stationary supplies!



How it came to be.

Blog Intro Post Photo

It all started with Chevron throw pillows and rusty door knobs…
Chevron is the epitome of contemporary design, in my opinion. It holds all of the basic decor needs that one would want when accenting a “contemporary styled” space. I had fallen in love with Chevron due to its structured, yet free spirited nature. It’s linear composition made it balanced, but its placement of lines and color made it bright, cheerful, and easy to accept. If I were a pattern, I would Chevron (Damask is an extremely close second…) I bought a pair of canvas and black Chevron patterned throw pillows for my bed, at Home Goods, and I was thrilled that something so simple brought so much character to a room.
With my love for Chevron and contemporary style, came my affair with rustic and antique finds. I have no idea where I came up with this ridiculous notion, but I always thought that mixing and fusing different styles in your home was so “de classe”. That, and my overly organized and compulsive mind, lead me to anxiety ridden decision making when it came to revamping my room. “Stick with one style.” “Don’t overwhelm yourself.” “Taaaake the pillows”…
Well, I bought the pillows and then I went to an antique store and bought a set of 4 rusty, crusty, chippy antique knobs just because. These items looked lovely next to one another, in my recyclable bag  and then I came to conclusion that that was “my style”. “Modern Rust” was my style…farmhouse, clean lines, distressed, vintage, delicate, masculine, wooden, refined.
I am more than one style. You are more than one style. Let’s  fuse ALL the styles. It can be done. It has been done; plenty of times over.
So, what’s the moral of the story? Buy the damn pillows…AND the rusty door knobs.
